The idea that well-made, resoable footwear can last almost literally forever is one of its core allures—but it’s a promise that simply won’t come true if it’s n... Read More...
We've been at the Stitchdown Shoecast—our podcast, if you couldn't tell from the clever name—for almost five years now. In that time, there have been requests f... Read More...
I will tell anyone who dares listen that handmade bootmaking—and perhaps specifically, cowboy bootmaking—is the highest form of leatherwork as functional art. And then I started paying attention a bit more to saddlemaking and was like damn ok maybe t... Read More...
In the US, there are schools for everything—of course you can study business, or to become a doctor. But also if you want to be an electrician, or an airplane m... Read More...
Often, vintage clothing and footwear's defining quality IS quality. As in, its actual construction and materials, how well it was made, way back when. In most c... Read More...
15 years ago Viberg was pretty firmly Canada’s most hardcore logging and industrial boot company. Since Brett Viberg took over the reins of the nearly 100-year-old brand from his father Glen, Viberg has in many ways completely changed the high-end, r... Read More...
To be honest I didn’t think I’d ever get Brian the Bootmaker on the Shoecast—for whatever reason I was, quite frankly, kind of afraid to ask him. Which in hinds... Read More...
When you grow up in a shoe repair shop directly next door to your actual house, it's hard to not catch the cobbling bug. But oh did Molly Monahan try to resist.... Read More...
This week on the Shoecast I had the outright pleasure of chatting with Jess Wootten of…Wootten! The Ballarat, Australia boots and shoes and leathergoods maker that is doing some very interesting work.
We covered how Jess somewhat tripped into a f... Read More...
“The only way I learned was making many mistakes and losing a shit ton of money in the process” is how Kevin Wilson neatly sums up the never-simple process of g... Read More...