When Graham Ebner says he makes “really nice, really expensive” cowboy boots, it’s somehow barely a brag.

In just five short years the Houston native (“to be clear, I grew up FIRMLY in the suburbs”) has established an impressive foothold for himself in the pantheon of rising bespoke cowboy makers. After training under the legendary Lee Miller at Texas Traditions (early job: refooting boots eaten by presumably lovable dogs), Graham struck out on his own to flex his unique combination of artistry, inlay/overlay work, and technical skill.

In my chat with Graham we get deep into how he works with customers through the lens of his just-finished Big Bend Boots (follow along with the photos below), the “close the shop down tools” he could never be without, the language and purpose of toe bugs/flowers, and the incredible resource for learning bootmaking that is the internet—and the extra special sauce that comes from being part of a bookmaking lineage that stretches back to the all-time-great originators of the craft.

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Graham’s Big Bend Boots

Graham Ebner Bespoke Cowboy Boot Maker—Austin Texas—"Big Bend Boots" Graham Ebner Bespoke Cowboy Boot Maker—Austin Texas—"Big Bend Boots" Graham Ebner Bespoke Cowboy Boot Maker—Austin Texas—"Big Bend Boots" Graham Ebner Bespoke Cowboy Boot Maker—Austin Texas—"Big Bend Boots" Graham Ebner Bespoke Cowboy Boot Maker—Austin Texas—"Big Bend Boots"

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